Basic was the language most appropriate for the initial instrumentation automation systems that I used on DEC and Hewlett-Packard systems.
Interpreted basic was also the prevalent environment in the original microcomputers. Basic in the Microsoft environment could be developed with the interpreter and then shipped with or without the runtime libraries.
As the most common language used in Microsoft Applications, variations of basic (VBA) were used as the scripting facility in Access, Foxpro, Excel and Word.
In the late 90s, Visual Basic (VB) version 3.0, was soon followed by version 5, and was suited for the integrated environment. As the segmented model of memory was replaced by 'huge' addressing, instantiation of libraries which interfaced to the user's code facilitated development for the windows platforms. Bridging the hurdle of asynchronous screen painting, as well as access to standard dialogs, deprecated the custom approach. Simultaneously, internet applications required an approach similar to conventional client-server technologies.
Basic was the original practical language of web-server-sided ASP, as well as client-sided vbScripting.
The availability of middleware and system components altered the role of the visual environment, which became increasingly capable of providing specific segments of project solutions. Interfacing with relational databases supplanted the fundamental techniques of sequential and random buffered files. Connections among applications, such as MS SQL and ACCESS, using DDE, OLE, OLE2, COM, Jet, ADO, and ODBC increased the importance of the development environment (IDE) which simultaneously offered libraries for the front end of user interfaces. This shifting of the tools created a generation of developers who had never directly dealt with issues of either the front or the back end. The MSF (NDA) philosophy of tiered structures has evolved to more complete architectural isolation of the business layers. Version 7 of the MS development environment, .Net, brought an entirely new organization of facilities based on more uniform run-time libraries. The instantiation of modules, as well as using ActiveX for the GDI are significant advantages for desktop, client-server and internet applications.
The essential character of event-driven software is part of using inheritance in object oriented programming (OOP.) I have written basic code for application development in all of those environments. For the last decade, basic has been the practical language of choice for ASP and prototype development.
Microsoft's dotNet environment leverages their intellisense in Visual Studio with the copious facilities within the .net components. Rapid Application Development (RAD) using .Net components minimizes the importance of traditional programming tools. Although the advantages of Basic are removed by the absence of interpretive development, JIT compilation relegates Basic into one of the many languages which can be used to employ the comprehensive verbose stock server-sided tools.
Those aspects of development were important during the execution of the following projects. They are each detailed elsewhere on this site.
TQ Systems -
The internet version of the TQ System uses ASP to accomplish an environment which is very similar to the successful Business Planning desktop version.
Chair Pros, and eeeChairs, Orange County, California - ASP, vbScripting, HTML, java
Gemshow-Online, San Diego County, California -
Asynchronous sockets developed in the VB version 5.0 environment.
VentureABC.com, InventionTrader.com, Costa Mesa, CA -
MS IIS, HTML, Interdev, ASP, vbScript, javaScript, SQL server with stored procedures. SSL to Verisign.
County of San Bernardino, Information Services Department, San Bernardino, CA -
HTML, IIS, Interdev, ASP, vbScript, javaScript, MS SQL Server.
SEI-IT Information Technologies, Los Angeles, CA
Medipro, HealthELink.com, Pomona, CA - VB5
Pacific Data Technologies, Aliso Viejo, CA - VB 5, VBA
Southern Caliifornia AQMD (Air Quality Management District), Diamond Bar, CA
Linksys, Irvine, CA -
Contact management for a telephone support center. MS NT 4, Visual Basic 5.0, Access, Jet, ADO.
HarborObjects,LLC, Newport Beach, CA -
VB.Net version 2, HTML, client-sided Javascript, IIS, MS SQL 2005, Visual Studio.Net 2005, Visual Source Safe
KnowledgeBroker, Inc, Reno, Nevada
VB version 5.0 software
TQ Systems, Laguna Beach, CA
Hunt-Wesson Foods, R&D, Technical Center, Fullerton, CA
Research Associate IV, Cardiopulmonary Research Laboratory, 1977-1981
Department of Pediatrics, University of California Irvine Medical Center