Present your Products and Services...

You can use many methods to interact with your visitors.
  • Text
  • Pictures
  • Links
  • Video
  • Sound
  • Blogs
Within a few years, most visitors will probably be using their HD TVs.
That resolution is likely to be 1920 pixels (dots) wide and 1080 pixels tall.
That is often called 1080p and is a 16:9 width to height ratio.
Right now, your screen area is  pixels wide and  tall.
As of 2010, most web sites are not written for that target. In fact, the off-the-shelf tools used by most young developers use several "middleware" techniques, and those young people really don't know HTML or javaScript, the real languages. These tools usually create pages in which the elements are in fixed places on the screen. Then, there is often a margin on each side of the content to fill the unused space. Other popular tools, such as Adobe's (Macromedia) Flash, or Ruby on Rails fix the page in ways that are sure to require rewriting in a year or two. Microsoft's .Net environment has been around for 10 years, and will soon be supplanted with WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). Microsoft is famous for creating methodologies that become obsolete.

You can avoid "dating" your site by using techniques that look right on many screens,
including the wide aspect ratio of HDTV.

  • You probably have only a few seconds of exposure to keep your customer at the site.

  • Draw the visitor into your detail using successful marketing techniques.

  • What are your colors?

  • What is your font?

  • What pictures represent you?

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